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Terms & conditions


© 2023 Miły's Buy & Sell Parts. All rights reserved. MB&, the MB& logo, TBuntu, the TBuntu logo, the MB Launcher, the MB Launcher logo, the MB Interactive Software, MB PRIME , the MB PRIME logo, Miły's Buy & Sell Parts: Polska, the MB& logo, the ReSource 2, the ReSource 2 logo, CyberTUX 1977, Work at Pik logo,  are trademarks  of Miły's Buy & Sell Parts. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.


Welcome to Miły's Buy & Sell Parts (or MB& in short). It's an online electronic parts & PCs components store.

These regulations, hereinafter referred to as "the Regulations", define the rules for using the online store
located at the URL or, hereinafter referred to as
"The store."


The store is run by Miłosz Boguniewicz with its registered office at ul. Sikorki 22/2 Szczecin, Poland, hereinafter referred to as the "Administrator".

Store address and contact details: internet address –

e-mail – telephone +48 516 679 780 mailing address – ul. Sikorki 22/2-
Szczecin, Poland.


Information on the scope of personal data processing by the Store ("Privacy Policy")
and the scope of the use of cookies ("Cookie Policy") can be found at the URL


Before using the Store, each person should read its Regulations.

Making purchases in the Store requires the Customer to have an active and efficient e-mail & MB& account.


The terms used in the Regulations mean respectively:

1. Store - an online store operating at running
selling products remotely.

2. Customer - any entity making a purchase in the Online Store in accordance with the Regulations, in
both the Consumer and the Entrepreneur.

3. User - any entity using the Internet who enters the Store's website.

4. Customer Account - a field containing data on transactions
and an instrument used to execute orders placed by the Customer.

5. Newsletter - a service provided by the Online Store to the User who has given their consent
to send them the Newsletter, consisting in sending to such Users any information about
operation of the Online Store, after the User voluntarily provides an e-mail address, name and

6. Consumer - a natural person performing a legal transaction with the entrepreneur not directly related
with its business or professional activity.

7. Entrepreneur - a natural person, legal person or an entity without legal personality,
performing a legal transaction on its own behalf as part of business activity
or professional.

8. Working days - days of the week from Monday to Friday, except for public holidays
from work.

9. Regulations - this document specifying the terms and conditions of using the Online Store
and purchasing products there.

10.Registration - voluntary provision of data by the Store Customer consisting in completing the form
available in this Store.


1. The store, before confirming the purchase, provides the customer with the following information:

a. an accurate description of the product and its features;

b. the total price of the ordered products, including taxes, as well as the fee for transport, delivery or
postal services and summarizing the total amount of the order with the selected delivery option

c. regarding the method and date of payment

d. regarding the method and date of performance by the entrepreneur.

2. Purchasing a Product does not require registration in the Store.

3. Placing an order is done using the form available on the store's website available after
pressing the button - "Order Now" under / next to the description of a given product, or in
a summary of the shopping list/basket, in which the Customer provides the following data:

a) Name and surname or company name
b) Email address
c) Telephone number
d) Possibly NIP
e) Address details for shipping

4. The customer places an order after reading the information specified in the Regulations of the store
and the information indicated in par. 2, which will be displayed in electronic form in the last one
the stage of completing the electronic form prior to expressing the will to be bound by the contract
by clicking the "Order with obligation to pay" button. After reading the collected
information specified for a given Customer's order, the Customer expresses the will to be bound by the contract pressing the button "I order with the obligation to pay"

5. All prices given on the Store's website are in Polish zlotys (PLNs). Price
displayed in the cart summary before ordering includes shipping costs
according to the option chosen by the customer.

6. The store undertakes to deliver items free of defects.

7. The order is considered accepted for execution after the Store confirms the acceptance of the order
submitted by the Customer.

a) confirmation of the acceptance of the order is sent automatically after placing the order by

b) The store may suspend the acceptance of the order in the event of doubts as to the veracity or
reliability of the data provided by the Customer in the registration form. In this case, the Store
will immediately contact the Customer in order to clarify these doubts.

c) In the event of unavailability of some of the products covered by the order, the Customer is immediately informed about it
informed. The customer decides whether the order is to be carried out partially or in full

8. The Customer and the Store are bound by the price of the Product in force at the time of placing the order for it.

9. The following payment methods are accepted in the Store:
a) Bank Transfer
b) PayPal
c) Cash on Collection.

d) Blik

10. The payment deadline is 3 days from the confirmation of the order.

11. The contract is considered concluded at the moment of confirming the acceptance of the order in the case of selection
payment on delivery or at the moment of making the payment by the Customer, after receiving it
confirmation of acceptance of the order for execution.

12. The ordered goods are shipped within 5 business days:

a) from posting the amount due for the product in the case of choosing payment in advance,

b) from confirming the acceptance of the order for execution in the case of choosing payment on delivery

13. Parcels are sent via courier or InPost parcel locker. Shipping costs left
specified in the Shipping tab. The cost of foreign shipments is agreed individually with the customer
– depending on the destination of delivery.

14. In the case of ordering several pieces of goods, the goods are generally packed collectively into one
shipment, unless the Customer selects a different method of packaging and selects the options when choosing the method of delivery
separate delivery for each product.

15. The customer will be notified by e-mail about sending the goods. When choosing a courier shipment,
The customer will receive a tracking number via email.

16. The maximum delivery period according to the Act on Consumer Rights is up to 30 days. In case
exceeding the deadline indicated in the previous sentence, the consumer has the right to designate
additional time to the seller. If the goods are still not released, the Customer may withdraw from

17. If the goods are to be sent by the Store to the Customer who is a consumer, danger
Accidental loss or damage to the item (goods) is transferred to the Customer upon its release
to the client. The delivery of the item (goods) is considered to be entrusted by the Store to the carrier, if
The shop had no influence on the choice of the carrier by the buyer.

18. Together with the product, the Store sends an information form (instruction on withdrawal from the contract) and
contract withdrawal form - the forms are attached as Annexes 1 and 2 to these Regulations.

19. Together with the Product, a receipt confirming the purchase is sent. At the customer's request
a VAT invoice is issued. The customer is obliged to provide full data necessary for
correct issuance of a VAT invoice:

a) Name and surname/company,

b) Address of residence/registered office,

c) NIP number (in the case of companies),

d) Order number,

e) Correspondence address

Each customer registering and/or placing an order agrees to receive the information provided
e-mail address of information related to the course of the transaction, notifications of changes in
these Regulations.

20. Other information regarding the operation of the Website, as well as containing commercial information about new ones
products or services of the Website, about promotions of the Website and promoting products of partners
Administrator's data will be sent only to those Customers who have consented to it.


1. In terms of complaints, the Customer who is a Consumer may exercise the rights granted by
provisions of the Civil Code Act of April 23, 1964 (Journal of Laws No. 16, item 93, as amended) and the Act
of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827 of June 24, 2014).

2. The store is liable to the customer under the warranty if the item sold (goods) has a defect
physical or legal. A physical defect consists in the non-conformity of the item sold (goods) with the contract. IN
in particular, the item sold (goods) is inconsistent with the contract if:

a) it does not have the properties that an item of this type should have due to the purpose specified in the contract
or resulting from circumstances or destiny;

b) does not have properties the existence of which the Store assured the Customer, including by presenting a sample or pattern;

c) is not suitable for the purpose of which the Customer informed the Store at the conclusion of the contract, and the Store did not report it
reservations as to its intended use;

d) was delivered to the Customer incomplete.

3. Complaints regarding ordered goods may be submitted by e-mail to the following address or by registered mail to the address ul. Sikorki 22/2, Szczecin.

4. When submitting a complaint, please provide the following data: Customer's name and surname, address, details
enabling identification of the sale (e.g. login, order number, transaction date), subject and
reason for the complaint, contact details.

5. By specifying the method of fulfilling the Store's obligations regarding the reported complaint in the subject
physical or legal defects of things, the Customer who is a consumer has the right to submit
a statement of price reduction or withdrawal from the contract, unless the Store immediately and without
excessive inconvenience for the Customer, replace the defective item with a defect-free item or remove the defect.
This limitation does not apply if the item has already been replaced or repaired by
the seller (Store) or the Shop did not fulfill the obligation to replace the item with a defect-free item or
removal of the defect.

6. If the Customer is a Consumer, he may demand removal of the defect instead of the one proposed by the Store
replace the item with a defect-free item or demand removal of the defect instead of replacing the item, unless
bringing the item into compliance with the contract in the manner chosen by the Customer is impossible or
would require excessive costs compared to the method proposed by the Store. By
in assessing the excessiveness of costs, the value of the item free from defects, type and importance are taken into account
the defect found, and the inconvenience to which the Customer would otherwise be exposed is also taken into account

7. The reduced price should be in such proportion to the price resulting from the contract, in which the value
items with a defect remains to the value of the item without defects.

8. The customer may not withdraw from the contract if the defect is insignificant.

9. Complaints reported by the Customer will be considered within 14 days from the moment they are received
submissions. Failure to make a statement within this period shall be deemed to be acceptance of the claims made by

10. The customer will be notified of the settlement of the complaint by the same way as it was sent
complaint has been made, unless the Customer reserves another form of contact. The complaint will be settled
additionally sent electronically to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer.

11. In the event of a positive settlement of the complaint, the Store sends the Goods free from defects to the Customer
or with the defect removed within a reasonable time. If repair or replacement with a new product are not
possible for the reasons indicated in par. 5 and 6, the Store as submitted by the Customer
alternative request - will reduce the price or return the equivalent of the product price, plus costs

12. The right to warranty is excluded for Customers making purchases as Entrepreneurs.

MB& Community Rules

General Rules

Do not:

  • Spam, flood, send chain letters 

  • Insult other members of the group and/or forum

  • Send links to sites or files containing inappropriate content or NSFW

  • Send memes that don't fit the group's theme

  • Post on forums/groups any personal information (i.e. name, address, email, phone number, etc.)

  • Bump threads

  • Derail a thread's topic

  • Repetitively post in the incorrect forum

  • Openly argue with moderator

Posting Rules

Do not post any topics/replies containing the following:
• Porn, inappropriate or offensive content  leaked content or anything else NSFW
• Any discussion of piracy will result in a permanent ban from the MB& Community including, but not limited to: MB Store, MB Tech Support
• Threats of violence or harassment, even as a joke
• Posted copyright material
• Soliciting, begging, auctioning, raffling, selling, advertising, referrals
• Racism, discrimination
• Drugs and alcohol
• Religious, political, and other “prone to huge arguments” threads

No Backseat Moderating

Let the moderators do the moderating. Backseat moderating is when people who are not moderators try to enforce the forum rules. If you see a person breaking the rules, take advantage of the report or simply ignore the offensive post(s) or thread.

Report Posts to Moderators 

Should you observe a fellow Community member breaking these rules please report the post by clicking the Report (Flag) button located on every post.

If you broke any of this rules 

You will be MAS* Banned from MB& Community

* MAS - Miły's Anti Spam


Please contact us on any questions regarding this agreement.

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